Out of all of the Adobe programs, After Effects is by far one of the most complicated programs to master. Used for post-production in film making, it has many different elements, tools, and layers that need to be used to make a piece come together. While there undoubtedly more than a handful of valuable tips to know, today we’re going to touch on three important points for rendering your work in Adobe After Effects:
RAM Preview
Because After Effects uses so much of your computer’s video effects, you have to render out a preview to be able to playback the video. This is known as RAM preview. You can also preview the audio in RAM Preview
Render Quality
Depending on the amount of layers and effects, rendering can take a long time. In moments where you need a faster render to playback the timing and motion of a piece, you can set the quality down to half, third, quarter or custom.
Exporting Alpha Channels
If you are exporting out effects or graphics that need to be composited in post, you most likely want it to have alpha channels. Alpha channels in After Effects deal with transparency.